Pinnacle Cart is the only shopping cart platform built for 100% scalability. We’re the eCommerce software you can use from the idea stage all the way to a business selling billions a year in revenue, without ever needing to find a new provider. What’s even better is that we’re 100% customizable, all the way down to the source code, allowing you to use our technology as much as you’d like. Looking for the best WordPress eCommerce solution? We can match your store to your site down to the finest details. Looking to manage your entire site, including your store, all in one place? We can do that, too.
Here is the features of Pinnacle Cart,
Design Customization
- Switch between Horizontal and Vertical navigation
- CSS / XHTML tableless design
- W3C / XHTML compliant templates
- Easy to integrate with your existing design
- Drag-and-drop layout design feature
- “Design Mode” allows you to create a professional looking storefront without programming experience
- Edit both CSS and HTML via your browser
- Upload logo feature
- Upload home page image
- Ability to select from over 30 different
- button styles
- Create your own buttons and headers and upload them via the control panel
- Over 100 box headers available
- Ability to change layout, width and much more with a click of the button
- Templates are Dreamweaver compatible
- Our “Catalog View” manager allows you to select a two-column, three-column, thumbnail double, thumbnail single or text view
- Adjust boxes, add boxes and create advertising areas
- Ability to add your own custom header and footer to the site
- Upload YouTube videos, flash presentations and other multimedia files
- Ability to create an unlimited number of additional pages
- Supports the ability to add items to the cart from pages outside the cart application
Image Management
- Supports image magnify, zoom, lightbox and enlarge
- Unlimited number of secondary images
- Image tags for better Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Upload images via the bulk image loader or FTP
- Generates thumbnails and catalog page images automatically
- Ability to resize images on the fly
- Change image style globally or at the product level
- Control image placement on product and catalog pages
- Create photo galleries
- Display / hide images with a mouse click
Search Engine Optimization
- Cutting-edge search engine optimization
- Flat URL generation (www.yoursite.com/product/product-name.htm)
- Ability to create your own URL structure (www.yoursite.com/create-your-own-url.html)
- Manage all URL‘s at the category, product and page level.
- If you’re moving from a different application, you can change the URL‘s to match the old URL‘s.
- Meta keyword, title and description for each product page
- Meta keyword, title and description for each category page
- Meta keyword and description for home page and all pages created via the control panel
- Upload / create robot.txt file
- Ability to generate meta tags based on product descriptions
- Ability to modify HTML or CSS via browser
- Automatically generated site map
- Generates XML site map for Google Webmaster Tools
- Valid W3C template design
- Image alt attributes
- Design generates very lightweight, 100% HTML page without CSS or PHP coding
- Creates “breadcrumb” navigation
- Search-engine-friendly architecture
- Ability to upload customized HTML pages to assist in search engine positioning
Product Merchandising
- Sell both physical and digital products along with services
- Application will create “ghost” URL which hides the actual location of the product and is emailed to the customer once the sales is complete
- Control the number of times a digital product is downloaded
- Sell any kind of digital products including pdf’s, videos, music files, etc.
- Sell Gift Certificates
- Create custom fields (allow customer to input text)
- Create drop down selections, check boxes and more on product pages
- Provide discounts based on number of items ordered (quantity discounts)
- Product Reviews
- “Call for pricing” and “catalog only” mode supported
- Import products, images, attributes and more
- Customers who bought “x” also bought these products in the checkout areas.
- Supports discount / coupon codes globally and at product level
- Price-based discounting
- Supports full product descriptions with HTML and product summaries
- Create attributes (size, color, etc) and manage price, weight, inventory and SKU based on attribute
- Supports UPC and SKU numbers
- Create and assign manufacturers
- Ability to control the product image size on both product and catalog pages
- Recommended products
- “Tell a Friend” feature
- Create “Buy x, Get y Free” discounts
- Best Sellers area
- Advanced product search capabilities
- Supports gift messaging
- Export products to Google Shopping, BizRate.com, ShopZilla.com and more
- Compatible with iDevAffiliate and other third-party affiliate programs including Linkshare, ShareASale, ClixGalore, Commission Junction and more
- RSS product feeds
Wholesale / Drop Shipping
- Supports up to three different levels of wholesalers (Customer Groups)
- Allows you to set wholesale pricing by product or as percentage of retail price
- Apply different tax rates for wholesalers and/or make their purchases tax free
- Unlimited drop ship locations
- Allows you to control how and when the drop shipper is notified of an order
- Separates drop shipping products from other products in the order.
- Edit email notifications to drop shippers
- Ability to assign drop shippers at the product level
- Supports case pack / inter pack pricing
- Collects Tax ID, EIN or any custom information you require
Customer Management
- “My Account” area allows customer to view previous orders, status and shipping tracking information
- Customer address book
- Allows customers to create Wish Lists
- Send product newsletters to your customers
- Send product newsletters to your customers
- Saved Cart feature allows customers to save multiple carts allowing later purchase
- Automated emails when customer creates order and order is shipped
- One-Page Checkout – fastest checkout available in the industry
- Ability to create custom fields during registration / checkout for collecting Tax ID numbers, referral or any other additional customer information
- Guest Checkout – allows customers to checkout without creating an account
- Supports backorders
- Full customer reporting
- Hide product pricing to all but registered customers
- Ability to create Customer Groups and modify pricing by group globally and at the product level.
- Assign customers to different Group levels
- Search by last name, username, phone number, email or company
Inventory Tracking
- Product-level inventory tracking
- Attribute-level inventory tracking
- Set “low stock” notifications by product
- If inventory goes to zero, you have the ability to remove product from catalog or show “out of stock” message
- Control when inventory is removed (at purchase or order complete )
- Completely automated inventory control
- Two-way sync with desktop order management products like Webgility, Store Manager and more.
Payment & Shipping Options
- Ability to accept credit cards on-line
- Take orders by phone, fax, mail or without credit cards (off-line payments)
- Ability to make payment page secure or entire checkout process
- It will support all top payment Gateways.
- Support for 3-D Secure, Verified by Visa (VbV) and MasterCard SecureCode (MCSC) via CardinalCommerce
- Supports eChecks (Authorize.net)
- Ability to store credit card information for off-line processing
- Ability to accept payments via telephone, mail, fax
- Ability to set unlimited custom payment methods
- Export data to QuickBooks, Peachtree or other accounting programs
- Sell in multiple currencies
- Real-time shipping quotes from USPS, UPS, FedEx and Canada Post
- Mark-up or discount rates from real-time shippers
- Print shipping labels and pay for postage online with Endicia and Stamps.com
- Prints USPS shipping labels
- Set custom handling fees
- Create custom shipping methods
- Create custom shipping costs by weight, quantity, region and more
- Offer free shipping
- Offer product specific shipping pricing
- Ability to restrict shipping based on country or state / providence
- Manage shipping rates based on country and shipping method
- International shipping supported
- Quick “estimated shipping” calculation – Customer can quickly estimate shipping based on zip code before checking out.
- Provides customer with the option of selecting from multiple methods from multiple shipping providers
- Advanced or simple tax features
- Avalara Ava Tax calculation services
- Exactor Exact-o-Tax calculation services
- Configure state-based tax
- Configure country-based tax
- Provides you the ability to sell internationally and apply international tax rates
- Supports advanced tax structures including VAT, Canada, USA, product and/or category tax and more
- Ability to include tax with price (VAT)
- Set-up an unlimited number of tax structures and rules
- Query sales tax by date
- Assign tax rates to individual products
Product & Category Management
- Unlimited number of products and categories
- Unlimited sub-categories
- Layered navigation allows customers to sort products based on price, manufacturer, category or product feature
- Ability to control product and category order
- Add text or images to category pages
- Export products to Google Shopping
- Ability to duplicate products
- Show retail, wholesale and sale prices based on the product
- Supports both detailed and summary descriptions by product
- Add “On-Sale” image to the product
- Ability to control products appearing on the home page
- Create “New Items” page
- Select from a number of different product / catalog page layouts with the ability to change layout
- Supports tax exempt products
- Product cost
- Ability to allow only logged in customers to view pricing
- Use HTML in product descriptions
- Products can reside in multiple categories
- Ability to change product / category order
- Enable / Disable products
- Supports manufacturers
- Upload a manufacturer’s logo which can displayed on the product page
- Manage sale pricing
- Supports minimum / maximum quantity in order by product
- Create multiple pricing levels
- Supports downloadable (digital) products
- Manage products in bulk using Microsoft Excel® / CSV
- Import / export products using CSV format
- Ability to control “add to cart” process
Order Management
- Ability to “status” orders
- Add / edit / delete orders
- Displays both order and payment status to assist with order processing
- Bulk edit orders
- Notifies customer when order is shipped
- Integrates with Atandra T-Hub and Webgility eCommerce Connector to assist with order processing
- Add shipping tracking numbers to orders
- View abandoned orders
- Ability to add notes to an order
- Print packing slips and invoices
- Set starting order number
- Ability to bulk status orders
- Back-order / pre-order feature
Content Management
- Add additional pages directly from the control panel ( Contact Us, About Us, Return Policies, etc)
- Easy to use WYSIWYG editor allows you to completely manage the appearance of your pages
- All additional pages are SEO-friendly
- “Closed Store” feature
- Testimonials
- “New Items” feature
- Easily add areas for promotions, banners or even Google Ads.
- Ability to edit all emails sent out by the cart
- Our hosted eCommerce platform is 100% PCI compliant
- Allows for database and application to be separated
- Allows you to designate an IP address allowing access to the admin area
- Locks out administrators after too many failed attempts
- Ability to unlock administrator accounts through the control panel
- Tracks and logs all actions within the control panel area by user
- Uses compliant OPEN SSL encryption to store credit cards (if activated)
- Lock out visitors after too many failed transactions
- Secure control panel access
- Full support of SSL protocols
Checkout & Registration
- Select between One-Page Checkout and traditional checkout
- Ability to complete orders without registering (Guest Checkout)
- Allow customers to decide if they want to create an account
- Set minimum number of items or amount
- Set order numbers
- Mandate users to agree to Terms and Conditions
- Ability to enable Suggested Products feature on cart page
- Create custom fields throughout the entire checkout process (ex. How did you hear about us?)
- Ability to control which fields are required / optional
Reporting & Business Analytics
- Seamlessly integrates with Google Analytics and Google Adwords tracking tools
- Chart visitors / hosts / revenue by month
- Creates the following reports based on date
- Top viewed products
- Top viewed categories
- Top orders by product
- Top referring sites
- Top sales by customer
- Consolidated orders by date
- Individual orders by date
- Promo codes
- Payment types
- Taxes collected
- Site profit
- Create unlimited administrator accounts
- Restrict access to particular features by administrator
- Control which e-mails are received by administrators
- Locks out administrators on too many failed attempts
- Change password reminder
- File Manager allows you to edit templates from the control panel
Currency & Language
- Complete multi-currency support
- Control currency symbol, decimal placement and presentation
- Control weight (American or metric)
- Control measurements (inches, feet, centimeters)
- Set-up custom exchange rates
- Allows customers to view in their currency, but transact in yours.
- Ability to add / edit / delete language templates
- Ability to add / edit / delete countries, states, providences or regions
Marketing & Promotions
- Sell your products on Facebook for FREE using eCommerce Plus
- Drift Marketing
- Integration with MailChimp
- “Products you may like” tool
- Ability to create date-driven promotional (discount) codes
- Global or product level promotional codes
- Recommended Products
- Create Product Families
- Bulk discounts by product
- Free shipping based on amount purchased
- Customers who bought “x” also bought “y”
- Buy x, get y free
- Newsletter tool
- Product Updates email
- Manages bounced emails
- RSS product feeds
- Export products to .csv file for exporting to other sites
- Gift certificates
- New Items page
- Hot Deal feature
- Brand (manufacturer) landing pages
- Top selling products
- Seamless integration with iDevAffiliate or any other affiliate software
- Create discounts based on amount purchased
- Product Reviews
- Export email list to other programs
- Global sale prices (example – 10% off entire store)
Import & Export
- Export products to eBay, Amazon, Yahoo, Google Product Search, PriceGrabber, Shopzilla, NexTag, TheFind, ShopMania, SortPrice, Goshopping and others
- Import both products and categories using our flexible bulk product loader
- Manage import rules
- Overwrite existing data
- Add new / keep existing data
- Clear existing / add new
- Update existing products only
- Bulk load images through the control panel or via FTP
- Export orders / products / users
- Select the fields you want to export
- Back-up / restore cart from the control panel
- Database management tool allows you to clear log files and more
- Exported data is “normalized” for importing into other applications including QuickBooks, Peachtree, MYOB, etc
- Seamless integration with Store Manager and Webgility eCommerce Connector
- Base API allows you to export orders / customers / products in XML format
Product Attributes
- Gives you the ability to sell items like computers, shirts or other items that contain options
- Create unlimited product attributes (options)
- Add or subtract pricing based on attribute selection
- Add or subtract pricing weight based on attribute selection
- Instantly adjusts price based on selection
- Control inventory by attributes
- Track administrator-defined combinations
- Sell only administrator-defined combinations
- Ability to disable specific product attribute combinations
- Create a unique SKU based on attribute combination
- Create global attributes that can be assigned to products or categories
- Display attributes on cart page, invoice and on order
- Receive “low stock” warnings based on attribute combinations
- Ability to remove attributes instantly
- Create drop-down, radio buttons, text or text fields for attributes
- Assign priority to attributes
For more details visit http://www.pinnaclecart.com/ and download it.