ApiGen is the tool for creating professional API documentation from PHP source code, similar to discontinued phpDocumentor/phpDoc.
ApiGen has support for PHP 5.3 namespaces, packages, linking between documentation, cross referencing to PHP standard classes and general documentation, creation of highlighted source code and experimental support for PHP 5.4 traits.
Features :
* ApiGen is using their own TokenReflection library is used to describe the source code. It is safe (documented source code does not get included and thus parsed) and simple (you do not need to include or autoload all libraries you use in your source code).
* Detailed documentation of classes, functions and constants.
* Highlighted source code.
* Support of namespaces and packages with subpackages.
* Experimental support of traits.
* A page with trees of classes, interfaces, traits and exceptions.
* A page with a list of deprecated elements.
* A page with Todo tasks.
* Link to download documentation as ZIP archive.
* Checkstyle report of poorly documented elements.
* Support for docblock templates.
* Support for @inheritdoc.
* Support for {@link}.
* Active links in @see and @uses tags.
* Documentation of used internal PHP classes.
* Links to the start line in the highlighted source code for every described element.
* List of direct and indirect known subclasses, implementers and users for every class/interface/trait/exception.
* Check for a new version.
* Google CSE support with suggest.
* Google Analytics support.
* Support for multiple/custom templates.
* Sitemap and opensearch support.
* Support for different charsets and line endings.
* Highly customizable with lots of configuration options (see below).
If you want to know more about the ApiGen please visit http://apigen.org/