QPHP is an event-driven(EDP), component-based web framework similar as architecture to ASP.NET. It is a tool, which will help you to build any php-based website in a very very easy, fast, reliable, safe and well-organized way. It comes with 40+ components, 70+ demos and many tutorials. The framework has very short learning curve, so anyone can start using it efficiently in less than 3 hours.
QPHP is influenced by other PHP frameworks, Java-based ones and mostly by ASP.NET and Borland Delphi. It tries to get the best of the above platforms as well as to avoid some problematic parts. Basically it:
* Brings the elegance of Java and C#
* Drops all Perl-like bizzare statements, which other PHP frameworks use
* Relies extensively on OOP concepts
* It’s not only for hardcore PHP developers, you can use with very little knowledge in PHP
* Provides extremely easy way(Widget API) to integrate 1000s of free widgets
Code-behind approach is used, so every webpage consists of 2 files:
* .PHP – presentation logic
* .PHP.SCRIPT – business/programming logic
* ASP.NET(Delphi)-like
* Event-driven, component-based
* Advanced widgets and skins
* 5+ years of usage
* Works with PHP5
* Simple database access + Criteria API (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle)
* Provides easy way(Widget API) to integrate 1000s of free widgets
* Less than 200Kb in size
* I18N support
* Page/Session/Application states
* Simple input data validation
* Encryption algorithms /xxtea, xor, base64, mcrypt/
* Tutorials and many, many examples
* Full documentation
* Fast and stable
If you want to know more about the QPHP Framework please visit http://qphp.net/